Elsburgh Clarke

About Elsburgh

Elsburgh Clarke,MD is a professional photographer that has the uncanny ability to divide his time as a professional photographer and practicing emergency medicine physician.

He started taking black & white photographs during his ER residency which provided him the unique opportunity to photograph the "ER" before it was popular on TV. His editorial photographs capture the "real ER" as a front line physician. This led him to become more proficient and skilled in his craft as a photographer. This allowed him to become more diverse and branch out into sports,scenics and travel photography. 

He also pursued his photographic interest in Fire/EMS/Police editorial photographs which are the highlight of his work to this day and as evidenced in his portfolio, "Eyes of Fire." He also has an ongoing project,"Black Barber Shops...A Gathering Place of Pride and Dignity" ,highlighting community black barber shops.

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